
This page is for those kind souls who want to give a donation to support our work. Give as much as as you feel inspired to give by Lord Krsna residing as the paramatma in your heart.

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Please include your email so that I can thank you.
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Comments: How did you hear about this site? Any comments or suggestions regarding this site or our services.

Payment Method: card type

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Last name:
Account number: (no spaces)
Expiration date: Month Year
Card Verification Number What is that?
Amount: US$
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Apt #:
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the following carefully.

Have you included your email address as requested at the beginning of this form? We need it to contact you.

To recognise the transaction on your credit card statement the billing descriptor will be "Shyamasundara Dasa."

By checking the box I affirm that have read the terms of service and agree to be bound by them.

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