Jyotish Links

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Jyotish related links:
The Astrological Magazine. The digital version of the longest running Vedic Astrology Magazine.
Often an astrologer is asked to help in choosing a name for a child, at least the beginning sound.
Spiritual Vedic Names - the ultimate collection of spiritual names derived from the vedas of ancient Indian subcontinent. This is the finest collection of most authentic, bonafide, rare & uncommon names.
A collection of regional Indian baby names along with their meanings.
Astrological Data Bank Contains over 20,000 verified birth data of celebreties. A must for any serious astrologer.
Indian Council of Astrological Science ICAS
Jaimini Sutramritam is an excellent repository of articles on the authentic Jaimini system of Astrology, by a disciple of Iranganti Rangacarya the foremost authority in Jaimini system in the 20th and 21st century.
Jaipur Observatory photos of Jantar Mantar an astronomical observatory built in the 17th century.
More photos of Jantar Mantar
A site dedicated to Jantar Mantar.
Live Watch - Watch live astronomy cams and resources.
Matrix Software, this is not a Jyotish site, but I partnered with them back in the late 80's to develop the first professional Jyotish program.
Mysteries of The Sacred Universe: The Cosmology of the Bhagavata Purana
Nasa's JPL Solar System Simulator
The Mountain Astrologer, an astrological journal offering articles on both Western and Vedic Astrology.
Down load the Vaisnava Calendar
The CIA World Fact Book is a great resource for those interested in Mundane Astrology.
Classical Greek & Roman Astrology
For anyone interested in historical research of the ancient connections between Vedic Astrology and Western Astrology.
Benjamin Dykes is a leading medieval astrologer and translator of traditional texts from the Hellenistic and Medieval periods.
The Lost Horoscope X-Files Astrology software and free birth chart analysis tips based on the lost horoscope x-files from ancient greek, medieval and renaissance sources.
Project Hindsight The main focus of Project Hindsight has been the restoration of the astrology of the Hellenistic period (280 B.C.E. to about 600 C.E.). This site is the most important in this catagory.
Vedic Sampradayas
(Brahma-Madhva-Gaudiya Sampradaya)

A scene from the Caitanya Caritamrta: Sri Krsna Caitanya Mahaprabhu listens while Chota Haridasa in his celestial form sings for the Lord.
Image copyright Bhaktivedanta Booktrust, Krishna.com
Arcana: the process of Deity worship.
Akincana a vaisnava news site supporting parampara values.
The Bhaktivedanta Academy, a gurukula based in Sridhama Mayapur, was established in the early 1980's. The devotees educated there are imbibed with the philosophy, science, and culture of Gaudiya Vaisnavism and are thus trained to teach and demonstrate the essential principles of that culture to others.
Bhaktivedanta Archives Preserving the legacy of Srila Prabhupada
Bhaktivedanta Book Trust the largest publishers of Vedic literature in the world.
Bhaktivedanta Institute started in 1997 the world's first (and so far the only) full-fledged graduate degree (M.S./Ph.D.) program in "Consciousness Studies", in collaboration with the Birla Institute of Technology and Science (BITS), Pilani, one of India's foremost technological universities. This program is based on the Institute's own research initiative within the new field of consciousness studies.
Bhakti Vikasa Svami a great site for getting Gaudiya Vaisnavism "As It Is." He is definitely a strong link in the guruparampara.
Cooking with Kurma A great site for learning the art and science of Vaisnava cooking.
Diary of a Traveling Preacher Indradyumna Swami's official web site, very inspirational.
Gaudiya Vaisnava texts held at a Russian University.
Gosai: Hosting various India-related sites, including traditional and contemporary arts, music, folklore, products, science, and Ayurveda.
Personal website of Manidhara Prabhu a dedicated book distributor.
Personal website of Jayadvaita Swami, former chief editor of the BBT.
Lotus Imprints is the publishing house of Sriman Hari-Sauri Prabhu (who was Srila Prabhupada's personal servant). It is dedicated to the preservation and propagation of the legacy of His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada through the written word, audio and visual mediums.
The official website for Sriman Sadaputa Prabhu (Dr. Richard L. Thompson) for those who want a Vedic perspective and critique of modern material science.
Saligrama Sila site for Silas and Their sevakas
Sri Radharaman Temple Vrndavana
Trivikrama Swami
Vedic view on controversial issues.
Vaishnava Preaching Around the World
Vedic knowledge online
Madhva (Brahma Sampradaya)

Bhandarakeri Mutt, Udupi
Nimbarka (Kumara Sampradaya)

Akhil Bharatiya Nimbarkacharya Peeth
Shri Devkinandan Thakur Maharaj Ji
Sri Vaishnava (Sri Sampradaya)

Anudinam a Sri Vaisnava News portal.
SriPedia an encylopedia of Sri Vaisnavism.
Sri Ranga Panjakam a site dedicated to Sri Rangam.
Another Sri Vaishnava Home Page
Vedanta Sutras with Sri Bhasya commentary of Ramanuja.
Vallabha (Rudra Sampradaya)

Kripanidhi many links to pustimarga sites.
Shudhadvaita Trutiya Gruh of Pushtimarg
Forbidden Archeology this site provides a lot of information which confirms the Vedic conclusion of the cyclic nature of history and that the history of humanity is much older than currently understood by academia.