The Future of the USA

September, 14, 2001

Dear Friends,

Several persons have asked me about the future of the situation in regards to the recent calamities in NYC and DC, if the USA will survive this attack, etc. I am leaving out astrological jargon mainly because this text is going to many lay persons unfamiliar with the jargon.

First of all let me put to rest any notion that the USA will be destroyed or destabilized by these events (some persons had seriously thought of moving to another country they considered safer).

Several indicators strongly show that the USA and its allies will strike severe blows on its enemies and destroy them. The enemies will be defeated.

The USA will strive to keep the moral high ground in deeds as well as in words. They will strive to act justly and only attack actual enemies and minimize the deaths of non-combatants.

These recent tragic events will cause re-examination of domestic and foreign policy, re-awakening of religious/spiritual values, and other positive changes.

The USA will continue to be a world leading economy.

This anti-terrorist war may take up to 6-7 years to complete. Do not expect this to be finished over night, but it will be well worth the effort.

Your humble servant

Shyamasundara Dasa

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PS considering the fact that the "Terrorist War" involves so many countries one could consider it to be WWIII, and considering that I have already predicted it will last 6-7 years it could still get messy, but the conclusion would still be the same--the Terrorists lose.

[Update February 20, 2011, well the war is still going on, but it seems for the most part what I have said above is true. The USA has taken the war to the enemy, there have been no new attacks on US soil. Current economic situation is unrelated to the war but to the bursting of a real-estate bubble in 2007. However, it does look like the war will continue for some time. The current rumblings in the Muslim world (toppling of governments in Tunisia and Egypt) may bring more instability.]