Well, It’s a Crazy Story
The following example of a prasna is based on feedback that a client, let’s call her “Y,” gave me on a prasna I had done for her several years before. I wish more clients would give feedback even if to tell me I was wrong. Some just come and then I do not hear from them again till years later to tell me they should have listened to me. Some, I never hear from again - period. Please give me your feedback - negative or positive – it helps to keep us on the right track. And now to the “crazy story.”
On Aug 20, 2012 “Y” emailed me.
This is my question: What shall be the result for me if I move to Eureka, CA (6 hours North from San Jose) on September 1st, versus trying to settle here, in San Jose?

Click to view larger image of prasna chart.
I responded.
Dear “Y,”
Hare Krsna.
If you moved to Eureka, CA you would have a lot of regrets, you would face tremendous obstacles and all sorts of problems and complications. This may even have serious negative impact on your health. You will feel isolated and betrayed by friends or those you trusted.
I would definitely not recommend it.
Please confirm receipt of this text.
Yours faithfully
Shyamasundara Dasa
krsne matirastu
If you moved to Eureka, CA you would have a lot of regrets, you would face tremendous obstacles and all sorts of problems and complications. This may even have serious negative impact on your health. You will feel isolated and betrayed by friends or those you trusted.
Fast forward to 2017.
From: “Y”
Subject: An inquiry
Date: January 20, 2017
To: Shyamasundara Dasa
Dear Shyamasundara,
We were in contact in 2012 when I asked for a Prashna consultation.
4.5 years later I looked back at your response and was absolutely stunned with the accuracy of your prediction! I took your advice and cancelled the move. The situation there unfolded tragically involving a death.
I am thinking about getting an AstroCartoGraphy reading from you as I am looking into relocating and having a new start somewhere. You mentioned that it is done in two steps. Does the $350 fee include the Prashna part of it as well?
Also, do you do a career consultations?
Looking forward to hearing from you,
This naturally caught my attention. “What could have transpired that ended so tragically?” I thought. I had to find out. So I looked up the original prasna and answer I had given her from my records and responded thusly.
From: Shyamasundara Dasa
Subject: Re: An inquiry
Date: January 20, 2017
To: Y
Interesting. What actually happened?
[For brevity I am leaving out my answers to her other questions.]
She responds.
From: Y
Subject: Re: An inquiry
Date: 20 January 2017
To: Shyamasundara Dasa
Hare Krsna,
Thank you so much for the response.
Well, it’s a crazy story… I met this young strikingly beautiful American couple in Thailand. It seemed we had a lot in common - a committed yoga practice, a healthy clean nutrition and life style. I lived in Switzerland at the time. Then my husband and I, after 16 years of marriage were getting a divorce and had to come to California to do so… I was devastated, frightened and alone. Mutual friends suggested I reach out to this couple who lived in Eureka. We reconnected and they insisted I move in with them, that they will help me to find yoga teaching work as well as live there for free while the divorce gets sorted out. I was in such a desperate situation that it sounded amazing! Yet, something didn’t feel right.
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It took me some time to commit to do Prashna, as at the time I was penniless. Then the day came where I could no longer not ask that question! That’s when they delivered a small detail about the deal - I would live there for free but the house and bills would be officially on my name… They had an elaborate grow scene in the basement (weed) and electric bills were over $1000/month… I was blown away when you responded that I would “feel isolated and betrayed by friends or those you trusted.”
Two months later, K, 27 at the time, had a brain aneurysm (this is what I was told) was flown to SF and had brain surgery. Came back to consciousness and her brain exploded shortly after. She was a competitive swimmer, a runway model and in top health. I spent a few days with her while she was on a life support, waiting for the recipient of her lungs. On the advice of senior devotees I did puja and offerings in my mind while there.
A year later, the boyfriend got engaged to a lovely 23-year old woman, who died around the same time under the same circumstances… This is when I got really scared and ended all association with him. He is now with another young woman who is unexpectedly battling cancer…
Isn’t it a crazy story?
After reading this chilling story I was again reminded at how astonishing prasna is and at how things transpired. And, how lucky she was to actually take my advice. Advice is only as good as the people who take it.
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