Chapter 1
The Horoscope of
1008 Sri Srimad A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami
Srila Prabhupada
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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Abstract: We discuss Srila Prabhupada’s horoscope based on the time of birth he gave. We note the perfect placement of planets and strength of the Ascendant lord. We then discuss the different elements in the horoscope beginning with the meaning of Makara Ascendant in relation to Srila Prabhupada. Then we discuss the significance of the position of Sani as the chart ruler and how this clearly indicates Prabhupada’s elevated position. Afterwards we discuss the virtues of the rest of the planets in clockwise order—Rahu in the 2nd house in the sign Kumbha, Candra and Kuja in the 5th house in the sign Vrshabha; Guru, Surya and Ketu in the 8th house in the sign Simha (Leo); Sukra and Budha in the 9th house in the sign Kanya (Virgo). It is clear that this chart clearly indicates the greatness of Srila Prabhupada’s personality and achievements. We note that if two charts nicely describe Prabhupada, preference should be given to the one based on the time favored by Srila Prabhupada.
1.0 Introduction
According to information directly given by Srila Prabhupada to Tamal Krishna Goswami (TKG) Prabhupada said, “I was born in the evening at 4:00 p.m.,” (see TKG’s statement 6.1) he is specific and did not say “about 4:00 p.m.” This seems to clearly indicate Srila Prabhupada’s favoring of this time and not an earlier time. The rest of the birth data is well known. He was born on September 1st, 1896 at 4 PM (Local Mean Time) in Calcutta, India. The layout of the planetary positions is as follows:

In order to aid your following the discussion you may find it helpful to download (right click) Srila Prabhupada’s chart so you can have it handy without having to scroll back to this image.
Srila Prabhupada being the greatest Acarya and proponent of Vedic culture in modern times his horoscope will provide a deep study for generations of astrologers to come. The account of Srila Prabhupada’s greatness and accomplishments are well known and have been documented in his official biography Prabhupada Lilamrta as well as the published memoirs of his disciples such as A Transcendental Diary by Sriman Hari-sauri Prabhu. A concise biography is available on this site. The horoscope of Srila Prabhupada based on the time he gave was very accurate. He mentioned on several occasions to his disciples that it was foretold in his horoscope that he would go across the sea and establish 108 temples of Krsna in his 70th year. So it is not simply a matter of astrological hind-sight, this chart was used by learned Pandits at the time of Prabhupada’s birth to predict his future greatness and accomplishments. That is the ultimate test of astrology—do the predictions come true. It is not simply a medium for flattery. Having said that let us now take up the chart proper.
The first thing that strikes us when looking at this chart is that all the planets are perfectly placed. The lords of the quadrants and trines are all placed in quadrants 4 or trines5 forming several great Raja Yogas. And the lords of the Dushtanas 6 —evil houses—are also taken care of by being placed in their own houses or another Dushtana thus forming Viparita Raja Yoga. Often we find a chart with some good yogas but it is the placement of the Lords of Dushtanas which unravel the chart and lay it to waste. This is not the case here.
Makara is rising and Sani the lord of the Lagna, and thus the chart ruler, is exalted 7 in the best quadrant—the 10th. Not only is Sani exalted but by Shadbala he is by far the strongest planet in the chart having attained a very high Power Ratio8 of 1.75. This immediately indicates that this is a chart of the highest caliber and that all the highest virtues of the Lagna and Lagna lord will manifest because of this. (We also note that neither Lagna nor Lagna lord is aspected by either malefics or benefics so the strength of the Lagna will be determined by the strength of the Lagna lord alone.)
1.1 Makara Lagna
Each Lagna has a whole spectrum of possible results from wretched to divine. Considering the above situation we can expect that in this case Makara Lagna will put its best foot forward. In their highest expression every sign, including Makara, is quite glorious and capable of all manner of spiritual accomplishment. Makara on the positive side is the emblem of integrity. By that I mean that people with Makara prominent must live their ideal. Their most inner-most thoughts and desires must become their public life, not something that can be done on the side. They must follow their vocation—their calling—to succeed and be happy.
In his Grhasta-asrama Srila Prabhupada did his duty (a strong Makara quality) to his family but was mostly interested in preaching the message of Lord Krsna. He lived a double life, his inner desire was to preach and be a sadhu, but his external life’s responsibility made that impossible to totally fulfill. There was always a conflict between duty to family (external life) and duty to Guru and Gauranga (internal life). This great inner conflict created a lot of difficulties and obstacles toward the realization of either material or spiritual goals. He faced many failures in business as well as setbacks on the spiritual front—manuscript to his Gita commentary stolen, disappointment with preaching efforts in Jhansi, etc.
Finally when this obstacle of family life was removed gradually things came into focus and then there was success of such phenomenal proportions that it simply stupefies the mind. To reach these heights of success in spite of so many setbacks Prabhupada displayed those Makara virtues of: stability, patience, strong determination always leading to success, trustworthiness, hard worker, honest, serious about what they do, responsible in carrying out his duties, forging ahead always keeping the goal in view, never complains—keeps working till goal is accomplished, epitome of self-control, can apply himself to anything once his mind is set, spends much time alone meditating on how to achieve his objective, is motivated by the intrinsic worth of the endeavor—not public acclaim, astounding powers of concentration, diligent and good with detail work, charitable, strong organizational and administrative capability, loyal and trustworthy friend, never shirks his duties or responsibilities, very self-reliant and never expects too much from others, if someone helps him he will reciprocate and do his best to return the favor. Above and beyond all else they are practical and down to earth—no Utopian pie-in-the-sky for them. These are typical positive Makara qualities which were displayed in the superlative by Srila Prabhupada.
When Makara is strong it displays the virtues of: stability, patience, strong determination always leading to success, trustworthiness, hard worker, honest, serious about what they do, responsible in carrying out his duties, forging ahead always keeping goal in view, never complains—keeps working till goal is accomplished, epitome of self-control, can apply himself to anything once his mind is set, spends much time alone meditating on how to achieve his objective, is motivated by the intrinsic worth of the endeavor—not public acclaim, astounding powers of concentration, diligent and good with detail work, charitable, strong organizational and administrative capability, loyal and trustworthy friend, never shirks his duties or responsibilities, very self-reliant and never expects too much from others, if someone helps him he will reciprocate and do his best to return the favor. Above and beyond all else they are practical and down to earth—no Utopian pie-in-the-sky for them. These are typical positive Makara qualities which were displayed in the superlative by Srila Prabhupada.
1.2 Sani in Tula in the Tenth
The position of Sani as the Lagna Lord is very important because he becomes the ruler of the chart. His strength and placement will greatly determine the strength of the Lagna and thus the quality of the chart in general. As already noted Sani is extremely strong in Shadbala thus the positive qualities of Sani will manifest:
If Sani be strong the native would be sober, deep, sagacious, fond of mystic and occult sciences, philosophy, etc.9
Sani is the primary planet of yogis and sannyasis and a strong and well placed Sani is necessary for success in either material or spiritual affairs. The element of renunciation is strengthened because in the Navamsa10 chart Sani is in Mesha (Aries), this, according to the Budha Nadi Grantha, is said to bring about sannyas11. It is true that Sani is nica (debilitated) in Mesha but since the Navamsa chart is seen for marital felicity we see why this position is helpful for renunciation. Over all in Shadbala Sani is very strong (even though debilitated in Navamsa); this gives the stamina and determination to carry out all the austerities necessary to succeed. It also gives a deep and serious scientific approach to spiritual subjects—Prabhupada often referred to Krsna Consciousness as the “Science of God.”
And for Sani exalted in Tula:
Endearing speech; intelligent; occupies a senior position among groups of people and respected in the village or town he resides in; very rich—equal to a king; earns money and respect by touring or contacts with foreign countries; can bank upon hoarded money; rises as life advances; . . .12
While Sani is very powerful and, by being in Tula (Libra) it also is in balance and not subject to depression or dourfullness. A balance between seriousness and humor. This placement of Lagna Lord indicates that many of the virtues of Tula are bestowed onto the Lagna such as: Artistic flare, graceful movement, musical ability, even temperament, very attractive—even beautiful features (early photos of Srila Prabhupada reveal a very handsome man), a lover of harmony. Sani here particularly indicates that Srila Prabhupada had a keen sense of justice and indeed he was bringing to us the Laws of God for the next 10,000 years. Tula indicates the ability to see both sides of an issue thus he was very fair minded. It also indicates that Srila Prabhupada had the knack of being able to convincingly present very strong arguments in opposition to his own philosophy. He would often use this as a tool to teach his students and defeat them with Mayavada or Buddhist philosophy and then go back and show them their mistakes and defeat his own previous assertions.
Tula is a sign very much concerned with personal and social relationships. Srila Prabhupada was a consummate gentleman and aristocrat. He had a very endearing manner of dealing with everyone in a personal way. The social dimension came alive in Srila Prabhupada’s strong desire to re-establish Varnashrama Dharma, the God-given social order.
And for Sani in the 10th (as in Prabhupada’s chart):
. . .The native has much knowledge of sastras, he is learned; brave and famous. He is wealthy and occupies a high position in life. He is the head of an institution or at the helm of affairs of his sphere of activity. This is not a good location for happiness from mother [she died when he was 14], but good for father [father’s pet son, father preferred to live with him rather than other children] unless Saturn rules the 8th house. The person generally lives at a place other than his homeland [lived in Allahabad, Lucknow, overseas, etc. even when in Calcutta was always traveling].13
The truth of this can be seen from Prabhupada’s life. Even from his very youth he was the leader of his peers. And he became a world renowned spiritual leader. [Famous, high position in life.] His name was Abaya Carana (A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami) which indicates that he is fearless having taken shelter of Krsna. Who else but a fearless prophet of God would, at the advanced age of 69, leave a secure life in Vrndavana and travel via boat at great risk to his life (two heart attacks at sea), to come to a strange country with no friends and only $5.00 in his pocket. What indomitable faith and courage he must have had in Krsna and his own Spiritual Master to attempt such a task. [Brave.] His being the foremost representative and leader of Vedic culture is well known in the world. This was accomplished by his unsurpassed scholarship as well as copious numbers of books translated from Sanskrit to English and other languages which have been distributed in the hundreds of millions. [knowledge of sastra, learned, head of institution or at helm of affairs in his sphere of activity.]
Putting all the factors together of strong Sani in Tula in the 10th we get a strong indication of a spiritual giant who walked among us.
1.3 Rahu in the Second
With Rahu in the 2nd closely aspected by Guru (and 2nd lord Sani very strong) he was a gifted speaker who would “mow down the opposition” to the extent that few would dare challenge him. He would at times demonstrate the detachment of a true Sadhu by speaking fearlessly and cutting through the knots of illusion. His “chopping” method of speaking earned him the respect of many Sadhus. It was commonly said that “Bhaktivedanta Swami preached with a Gita in one hand and a ‘chopper’ in the other.” While he was the epitome of all grace and culture when it came to preaching the absolute truth he knew no compromise and always stuck to his guns fearlessly speaking the truth. He epitomized the saying that a Vaisnava was “sometimes like a rose; sometimes like a thunder-bolt.” Rahu in the 2nd (kutumbha-sthan—house of family) however did cause some disturbance in family life during his period (death of mother at early age, unhappy marriage). Srila Prabhupada also had some legal trouble and was arrested at the age of fourteen for urinating in the street in front of the police station.14
1.4 Candra-Mangala Yoga in the Fifth
In the 5th house we find Mangala (Mars aka Kuja), lord of the 4th and 11th, and exalted Candra (Moon), lord of the 7th. This is a powerful Raja Yoga as well as Candra-Mangala Yoga in a benefic trinal house. On the exoteric level this (along with Sani in debilitation in Navamsa) caused some difficulty in marriage as Kuja is conjoined the 7th lord of wife. Prabhupada’s wife, though a devotee, seems to have been rather puffed-up and quite un-cooperative, reminiscent of Rakshakambal the wife of Ramanujacarya. While Prabhupada wanted to preach and have pravacana she would prefer to have tea parties. Indeed the last straw that caused him to leave his family for good was when his wife Radharani traded his copy of the beloved Srimad-Bhagavatam for tea biscuits! There was also a lot of disappointment and misunderstanding regarding children as 5th represents putra-son (see also 5th lord Sukra is debilitated in Kanya, and Guru, putra karaka afflicted in the 8th). Hari-sauri Prabhu tells me that Srila Prabhupada’s oldest son seems to have been a bit retarded and one day wandered off, got lost and never returned. His second son Mathura Mohana was very intelligent and this was even commented on by Bhaktisiddhanta whom he met. But as he became older he became inimical especially after Prabhupada took sannyasa. He became a Naxalite (radical, atheistic communist) and later vainly attempted to sue ISKCON after the death of his father.
On the esoteric level his 5th house is a block-buster. Kuja as 4th and 11th lord in the 5th with exalted 7th lord Candra gives a brilliant mind—one possessing both razor sharp logic (Kuja) as well as highly developed intuition (Candra )—a real spiritual genius. His talks and writings displayed his keen ability to analyze the faults of various opposing philosophies and demolish them—especially the sunya-vada, nirvisesa-vada, and communist philosophies which are very prevalent today. He expertly dissected and destroyed all view points which opposed surrender to God. And just as expertly he presented the pure Bhagavata philosophy of the pure devotees of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. His life’s literary work was the translation and publication of the Holy Srimad Bhagavatam. The second verse of this unequaled sastra epitomized Srila Prabhupada’s life:
Completely rejecting all religious activities which are materially motivated, this Bhagavata Purana propounds the highest truth, which is understandable by those devotees who are fully pure in heart. The highest truth is reality distinguished from illusion for the welfare of all. Such truth uproots the threefold miseries. . . Srimad Bhagavatam 1.1.2.
This of course is to be expected, for there are two kinds of Bhagavatams. The book Bhagavatam, and the person Bhagavatam. A real Bhagavata must live and breathe the life of the book Bhagavatam.
This 5th house combination gave real powers of intuition and combined with the Viparita Raja Yoga in the 8th house and Raja Yoga in the 9th house (both of these will be explained in following sections) indicates Srila Prabhupada’s mystic ability. So many devotees have stated that on numerous occasions Srila Prabhupada would literally read their minds to their discomfiture and expose their maya.
5th and 9th are houses of purvapunya—pious actions from past lives. Their conditions in Prabhupada’s chart indicate that whatever his previous life may have been, he was certainly a most highly pious and pure soul. In this life he was surely a Siddha and he displayed it by his thoughts, words, and deeds.
5th is also the house of mantri and mantra. One who gives advice and initiation. Srila Prabhupada rose to great heights because of his spiritual wisdom and ability to expertly guide his students and the world. His books have been published in eighty five languages (as of 2019) and printed in the hundreds of millions—he is a real Jagad Guru not just in name but in fact. The 5th also indicates prajna—completely expanded intelligence and especially the ability to foresee what shall happen in the future. Just like a great Rsi of past times Srila Prabhupada could see the future of human society and out of kindness he gave us a vast ocean of spiritual knowledge to offset the coming difficulties. On a more personal level Srila Prabhupada was a self-realized soul and was actually living the inner life and was seeing through spiritual eyes all around him—cutting through the dullness of matter into the essence of spiritual life. This 5th house condition along with the 8th indicated that Srila Prabhupada was able to personally see Lord Krsna and other spiritual personalities face to face because of his spiritual vision.
Bhakti-devi dasi: Have you ever seen Krsna?
Prabhupada: Yes.
Bhakti-devi dasi: You have?
Prabhupada: Daily. Every moment.
Room Conversation -- New York, July 4, 1972
Finally the 5th indicates prabhutva—administrative ability, aristocratic position, honor and respect, etc. This along with Sani in the 10th indicates his great status and ability to build and maintain a durable spiritual organization.
From this 5th house Kuja and Candra aspect the 11th and 12th (Candra doesn’t directly aspect but his influence is transferred by Kuja). This indicates the huge financial success that his mission achieved especially in foreign lands. And that this money was only to be used for spiritual not material purposes. The 11th also shows that Srila Prabhupada met and spoke to many dignitaries, political and religious leaders all over the world during his life.
1.5 Viparita Raja Yoga in the Eighth
(See also 2.6.1) The 8th house placement is the most crucial and explains many things about Srila Prabhupada. The 8th house is a house of great mystery and danger. It deals with the prickly issues of death, sex, black magic, total destruction and devastation, catastrophic illness, debauchery, self-destructive demonic tendencies just to name a few of the more prominent ones. This of course is the negative side of the coin.
On the positive side the 8th house represents: ayusthan the house of life, long life, regeneration, metamorphosis and transformation of self and others; deep, penetrating intelligence; sees through material facade, profound thinking, polymath of occult knowledge—remember that Krsna Consciousness is raja-vidya, raja-ghuyam—the King of secret knowledge, sublimation of sexual energy and transcendence of material desire; sees through tricks and maneuvers of others; total self-control of body, mind, and senses; meditation, ability to focus the mind, deep stores of emotional energy to draw on, gravity, very deep and mysterious personality, deep policies with far reaching consequences, researcher or inventor, detective-like qualities, distant travels, great adventures. Wealth gained through inheritance or legacy. The ability to “read between the lines.” Acceptance of death and an integration of its reality into daily life. Sense of immortality of one’s consciousness. Thinks of death often, sees death as a great teacher, prioritizes his life because always feels that death is near. Always goes to the heart of a matter, doesn’t beat around the bush. Many experiences outside the normal limits of personality. Ability to immediately bond with others on emotional, intellectual and spiritual levels. Knowledge of previous lives, etc.15
In essence the 8th house deals with the struggle of the soul to purify itself of the dross of material existence and ascend to the rarefied atmosphere of spiritual life. This is because the 8th is the house dealing with the excretory organs. The organs by which the body purifies itself of unwanted toxins16. But on a esoteric level the 8th also represents purification on subtle levels as well: emotional, intellectual and ultimately spiritual. The meanings of the “houses” correspond very closely with the meaning of the “sign” of the same number17. This is a widely held concept in Vedic astrology. Thus the first house and Mesha share the same meaning. Vrshabha and the second, Mithuna and the third, etc. Thus the 8th house has a meaning similar to the 8th sign Vrscika. “Spiritual Essence [of Vrscika]: the ability to give up that which is a hindrance to evolution. . .”18
The issues of the 8th house are not easy but are of paramount importance for everyone because the direction of one’s life depends on how one deals with the 8th house portfolio. It is of supreme importance that for successful spiritual life the 8th house is purified. This will signify serious spiritual aptitude and inner purity. It is also significant that though positive disposition of the 5th and 9th houses are important as indications of piety they do not constitute “necessary and sufficient conditions” for spiritual greatness. In addition to the 5th and 9th there must also be the positive activation of the 12th or the 8th or both. The reasons are simple, no matter how pious a person may be if they haven’t dealt with the issues signified by these two houses they will not have the existential stamina that it takes to make all the sacrifices necessary in spiritual life. I have found very few serious spiritualists without active 8th or 12th houses. To more clearly understand why this is so we will investigate what indications can be revealed about Srila Prabhupada through his 8th house.
In Srila Prabhupada’s chart he has Surya (the Sun) lord of the 8th in the 8th along with Guru (lord of 3rd and 12th), and Ketu (doesn’t rule any houses). The 6th, 8th, and 12th lords are the most destructive planets and whatever houses or planets they associate with will be damaged. Thus their placement in any chart poses a problem. In Srila Prabhupada’s chart this problem is neatly solved by the lord of the 6th, Budha who also owns the 9th, being placed in the 9th (his own sign) where he does no harm. The other two, lords of 8th and 12th, we have already noted are placed in the 8th. (The concept may be likened to two negatives yielding a positive.) This constitutes a perfect Viparita Raja Yoga. The formal definition is given as follows:
If any one of the following four Yogas takes place—(1) Lord of the 8th in the 12th or the 6th; (2) Lord of the 6th being placed in the 8th or the 12th; (3) Lord of the 12th being in the 6th or the 8th; (4) the said three lords being connected in any way, by mutual exchange, mutual aspect or conjunction and at the same time are free from such relation with other planets—the person born will become a great king lording over other kings and blessed with fame and wealth. Uttara Kalamrita 4.22
This is a very rare yoga because mostly these planets are intermingled with others indicating serious problems and ruination. While for Srila Prabhupada this Yoga did not give temporal power it certainly made Srila Prabhupada a Jagad-Guru in the true sense—Guru of the world. This is how the world came to recognize him. (I would suggest that along with other indications spiritual power of a very high order is indicated because of the added presence of Ketu—the Moksha Karaka—to the combination.)
Regarding the position of Guru in the 8th in Simha here are a few quotes from various sources which validate the greatness that this combination indicates [emphasis mine]:
Parasara Muni:
If the 12th lord [Guru] is in the 8th [Leo], the native will always gain, will speak affably, will enjoy a medium span of life and be endowed with all good qualities. Brhat Parasara Hora Sastra 24.140
If the lord of the 12th house is placed in the 8th, the native will experience happiness and unhappiness in almost equal amounts. Benefic combinations cause auspicious results to happen. [Such as planets in 5th and 9th as is found in Prabhupada’s chart.] If there is combination with the lord of the 6th house, the period will prove to be extremely auspicious and cause good results to happen. Also, the effects will be modified by the nature of the planets associated with the lord of the 12th house. Satyajatakam 4.12.8
Ramadayalu quotes Lomasa Rsi:
When the lord of the 12th house occupies the 2nd or the 8th, the native’s devotion to Lord Krsna will be immense. He will be endowed with all good qualities and will speak kindly. He will be charitably disposed. Sanketanidhi 6.98
Bhrgu Samhita Paddhati says the following about Guru as the 12th lord in the 8th in Leo: . . . gets power by spending much money acquired in foreign countries; . . .gets the power of old and serious things helping the life career [mystic and occult knowledge, ancient lore, knowledge of past lifes, metaphysics, philosophy, etc.] . . . spends the daily routine of life with great dignity and influence. Bhrgu Samhita Paddhati p. 567
B.V. Raman:
The native will be rich and celebrated, will enjoy a luxurious life with many servants waiting on him. Gain through deaths and legacy is indicated. Interest in occult subjects and devoted to Lord Visnu, he will be righteous, famous and a gentle speaker being endowed with many good qualities of head and heart.” How To Judge A Horoscope Vol 2, p 420.
Though no astrological quote can be taken literally but must be adjusted to the conditions of the chart, still we see that in many ways it definitely indicates Srila Prabhupada’s character. And two of the authorities quoted above specifically state that such a combination leads one to become a Vaisnava.
Ramadayalu quotes Lomasa Rsi; “When the lord of the 12th house occupies the 2nd or the 8th, the native’s devotion to Lord Krsna will be immense. He will be endowed with all good qualities and will speak kindly. He will be charitably disposed.” Sanketanidhi 6.98
This Viparita Raja Yoga indicates the following about Srila Prabhupada [based largely on positive attributes of the 8th house manifested by Srila Prabhupada, please consult the description of positive manifestation of the 8th house for particulars, see also 2.5.3]: He was a very deep thinker of acute penetrating intelligence, insight, and wisdom. What we saw and experienced of him was only the tip of the iceberg—his pure spiritual personality was fathomlessly deep, mysterious and unknowable to us mere mortals still struggling in Maya. In other words we don’t really know his true spiritual identity though he walked among us appearing like an ordinary man. The Srimad Bhagavatam describes this quality as:
“Gabhiratma. As a devotee merges into the ocean of Krsna Conciousness, his own consciousness becomes deeper and deeper; ordinary, superficial persons hovering on the material platform cannot fathom the extent of a devotee’s awareness.” Srimad Bhagavatam 11.11.32p
He had the ability to quickly penetrate through any problem and see through any smoke screen. This penetrating intelligence indicates that he could see through the maya of material existence and make the sacrifice to transcend it. This ability to penetrate also meant he had the ability to see into the hearts of everyone and make contact with us on a spiritual level. All who knew him commented on how personal and touching his association could be. He saw everyone with equal vision on the spiritual level. He had the knack of immediately being able to make contact with a person on all levels—he gave the concept of being personal a new, fresh meaning.
This combination also indicates that he had a special intensity of character. When he put his heart into something he gave 100%. There was nothing shallow in his makeup. When he debated with those who would diminish Krsna he was relentless and took no prisoners. His intensity could also be very unsettling to his disciples who were all surrendered to him and loved him more than their own life. Srila Prabhupada didn’t compromise and sometimes in his duty as a teacher he would severely chastise his students till they felt that they would die. But he could instantly understand when they had learnt the lesson and become humble and contrite—then he was back to his regular lovable self with no sign of anger. This display of anger was simply to impress on the disciple the seriousness of the situation, not a lack of love from Srila Prabhupada.
He was always observant, and had a detective-like quality about him that Sherlock Holmes would envy. He was very research minded and deeply studied all important aspects of the Vedic tradition and was also well versed in opposing philosophies. This combination, along with the planets in Kanya, indicate that Srila Prabhupada had powerful analytic ability and would not be satisfied with superficial understanding or explanation.
The powerful 8th house placement strongly indicates a person who is beyond the bodily concept of life and has no fear of death. They understand that there is more to this world than what meets the eye and are aware of all the hidden mysteries. What could be a higher mystic science than that of Krsna Consciousness? Raja-vidya Raja-ghuyam—it is the King of all mystic knowledge.
Such persons are intimately acquainted with the doctrines of death and re-birth and they conquer over death by not being reborn and teach others the same knowledge. Not only this but there is a strong sense of going beyond death to the extent that we can strongly claim that Srila Prabhupada has never left and is still very carefully watching over and guiding his disciples and his movement. Everything will be revealed in due time. Many of his disciples have in recent years had various mystic experiences involving Srila Prabhupada either in dreams or other revelations which strongly indicate his immediate presence if we just follow his instructions.
This 8th house placement indicates a person who has deep and complex policies and can see what the outcome will be in the future, akin to a master chess player who can see the result of the game 30 moves ahead. In Srila Prabhupada’s case his whole preaching of the distribution of transcendental books, prasadam and the Holy Name will have very far reaching effects which we can barely appreciate at this time. Because of our historical proximity we are not aware that he has changed the course of history more than Buddha, Christ or Mohamed put together. The selfless work that he did of translating and publishing Bhagavad-gita, Srimad Bhagavatam, Caitanya Caritamrta, and other books. As well as establishing temples, initiating thousands of sincere devotees, and incessantly traveling will have their necessary effects—“A revolution in the hearts of men.” We may not be able to see, but he did, that is why he pushed us so hard and is continuing to do so.
This 8th house placement shows that of a great mystic maha-yogi who has been able to completely control his mind and senses and transcend all material desires especially sexual attraction. It gives the ability to sublimate and transmute all material desires into spiritual ones.
The 8th house is the place of metamorphosis and transformation. Srila Prabhupada’s life was one of great preparation and transformation until he was forged into a one pointed implement for serving his spiritual master. But the transformation doesn’t stop there for like a “touch stone” he was able to transform those who he came in contact with by his spiritual purity and also by his very strong attempts to transform the world and regenerate deteriorating spiritual values.
I have spent more time on this house because the 8th house is a difficult house and can be easily misunderstood by inexperienced students. Yet it is crucial to understanding Srila Prabhupada’s chart.
1.6 Classic Raja-yoga in the Ninth
The 9th house is the best of the trinal houses representing—good fortune and opulences, higher learning, dharma, guru, father, spiritual piety, God, brahmanas, distant travel especially for spiritual pursuits or education, pilgrimage, etc. In Prabhupada’s chart Kanya is the 9th house and in it we have Sukra (lord of the 5th and 10th) and Budha (lord of the 6th and 9th) in his own house and exalted. For Makara Lagna, Sukra becomes what is known as the raja yoga karaka — significator of power because he rules two good houses and no bad ones. Thus this placement of the two natural and functional benefics for Makara Lagna in the 9th house is very significant. It is very ideal to have the 9th and 10th lords conjoined together as this indicates great accomplishments in keeping with virtue and dharma. Since Sukra also rules the 5th this boosts the effect even more. Of course it must be noted that Sukra is nica—debilitated—in Kanya.
However, this is not a problem because there are several nica-bhanga raja-yogas present; meaning that they not only cancel the debilitation but also raise the quality of the chart by several quanta. Before continuing let us first define nica-bhanga raja-yogas according to the classic texts Phaladipika and Jataka Parijata. The highlighted section indicates which ones are applicable to Srila Prabhupada’s chart.
Phaladipika 7.26-30 states:
If, at birth a planet is posited in its sign of debilitation and the lord of the sign of debilitation be in Kendra from the Moon or Lagna or the planet that is exalted in the sign be in Kendra to the Moon or the Lagna the debilitation of the Planet concerned gets cancelled and a Raja Yoga is formed enabling the native to become a very powerful King. 26
When planet is in depression, if the lord of that depression sign and the lord of the planet’s exaltation sign are in Kendra positions mutually, the Yoga will produce a King who will become an emperor respected by all the other Kings. 27
When a planet is in depression, but is aspected by the lord of that Rasi, the Yoga will make the native a ruler of the earth and famous. And in the above Yoga if that depressed planet should he in an auspicious house (that is in a house other than the 6th, 8th or 12th ), where is the doubt about his becoming a foremost King? 28
When a planet occupies his depression sign, if the lord of the Rasi so occupied or the lord of the planet’s exaltation Rasi be in a Kendra position with respect to the Lagna or the Moon, the person born will become an emperor endowed with full riches; will be virtuously disposed, respected by other Kings, mighty, famous and affluent. 29
If a planet in his sign of debilitation be in a Kendra position with reference to the Moon or the Lagna, the debilitation gets cancelled and the Nichabhanga Raja yoga so formed will produce an emperor revered by other Kings. 30
And, Jataka Parijata 7.13-14 tells us:
If at birth, a planet be in its depression and if the lord of the sign occupied by the planet or the lord of its exaltation sign be in a Kendra position in respect to the Moon's place or the Lagna, the person born will be a king and a just ruler.
If the lord of the Navamsa occupied by a depressed planet at birth be in a Kendra or Trikona position and if the Lagna be a moveable sign or if the lord of the Lagna be in a Navamsa owned by a moveable sign, the person born will be a king or possess great power.
So in Srila Prabhupada’s horoscope the following combinations constitute nicabhanga raja yogas according to Phaladipika 7.28-29 and Jataka Parijata 7.13-14 (they share one definition in common).
Guru, the ruler of Sukra’s exaltation sign, is in the 4th from Candra.
Budha, the ruler Sukra’s debilitation sign, is conjoined Sukra and that too is even better because it is in the auspicious 9th house.
Sukra is in Makara navamsa, Sani the lord of Makara is in a kendra, the 10th house, and both the Lagna and the navamsa of the Lagna lord are movable signs, Makara and Mesha respectively.
The positive indications we can expect from this combination are: intense piety and sattvik demeanor, deep scholarship, interest in writing and authorship, publishing, etc. (because in Kanya). Talented in many arts such as music and poetic composition. Budha lord of 9th in 9th (house of father) and Surya significator of father in his own sign both indicate that the father was a great man of sterling qualities and a strong positive influence on the son. It also shows affectionate Guru who strongly galvanized the spirit of his disciple. Though Sukra in nica-bhanga, some problems still arise for we see that Prabhupada’s Guru left this world at an untimely age for Srila Prabhupada. But even though he left early he had awakened in Srila Prabhupada great devotion to Lord Sri Krsna.
This combination is also indicative of much travel in relationship to pilgrimages and spiritual missions. In fact it was in the second half of the Budha period that Srila Prabhupada left India and journeyed to America and started ISKCON which flowered into a world wide spiritual movement in just a few short years.
The Budha-Sukra yoga in the 9th is quite good in regards to purity of heart and motivation, etc. As can be seen from the following quotes:
When the lord of the 5th [Venus] occupies the 9th or the 10th. . .He will become equal to a king. He will become famous, will shine like a Moon in his family, will undertake sacred pilgrimages and will be ever active. Sanketanidhi 6.51
When lord of the 10th [Venus] occupies the 9th, the person born will become the repository of all good fortune, grandeur, magnanimity, etc. Sanketanidhi 6.87
If Venus is in the 9th house the person will be religious minded, will devote himself to meditation and will perform religious rites, he will have very auspicious signs on his feet (like lotus, conch, etc.) will enjoy all kinds of comforts and will be blessed by children. His father will live long. Bhrgu Sutram p. 152
When the 9th lord [Budha] is in the 9th it gives a long lived and prosperous father. The person will be religiously inclined and charitable. He will travel and earn money and distinction abroad. How To Judge A Horoscope Vol 2, p. 186
If Budha is in the 9th the person will have many children. He will be learned in Vedas and sastras, fond of music, very patient, religious minded, full of glory, wealthy and fortunate. His father lives long. He will be very cultured and will take an interest in meditation. Bhrgu Sutram p. 114
Reverting to Sukra again. For Makara rising Sukra (lord of 5th and 10th) gets placed in the 9th house, a very good house and a suitable destination. The effects of the lord of the 5th in the 9th are:
He will become a teacher or preceptor. Renovates ancient temples, wells, choultries [dharmashalas—places of free lodging for pilgrims] and gardens. One of the sons [or disciples, 5th also stands for disciples] attains distinction as an author or orator. If the lord is afflicted, he will earn divine wrath and consequent destruction of fortune.19
The effects of the lord of the 10th in the 9th are as follows:
The 10th lord in the 9th house makes the person a spiritual stalwart. He will be a beacon light to spiritual seekers if Guru aspects the 10th lord. If both benefics and malefics aspect the 10th lord, the person is generally fortunate and well-to-do. He follows a hereditary profession or that of a preacher, teacher or healer. The father of the person has a great influence on him. He will be a dutiful son and do many charitable deeds.20
Of course we can’t take any astrological quote verbatim but these seem to aptly describe Srila Prabhupada. Though Sukra is having Nica-bhanga Yoga it still carries some blemish (along with Kuja conjoined 7th lord) thus we see that in spite of Srila Prabhupada’s great devotion to Lord Krsna his married life was a source of suffering, and because of this he had to struggle against many apparent failures on the material front before finally achieving a grand success.
1.7 Conclusion
In such a limited space we have hardly even begun to do justice to the chart of Srila Prabhupada. It would really take many more pages to point out all the great features of personality which are clearly indicated in this horoscope. We have not included a description of the planetary periods for fear of increasing the bulk of this section. Interested readers may investigate the section dealing with the analysis of Sriman Nalini Kanta’s assertions about Srila Prabhupada’s chart where we have discussed planetary periods in detail. We trust, however, that in this limited space we have been able to adumbrate Srila Prabhupada’s chart sufficiently to show that the horoscope drawn up for the time that Srila Prabhupada specified clearly indicates the greatness of Srila Prabhupada’s personality and achievements. We should also like to reiterate that if two charts nicely glorify and describe Srila Prabhupada then the preference of choice should be given to the chart drawn up according to the time given by Srila Prabhupada. That is this chart. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to meditate on Srila Prabhupada and glorify him via the language of astrology.
Your insignificant servant
Shyamasundara Dasa
Go to Bibliography
4 The quadrant houses—1st, 4th, 7th and 10th.↩
5 The trinal houses—1st, 5th, and 9th. The 1st is both a Quadrant and a Trine. ↩
6 Houses with a negative portfolio—6th, 8th and 12th.↩
7 Planets in such sign show their best possible manifestation of qualities.↩
8 Shadbala means "six fold strength" such as strength derived from position—stana-bala, time—kala-bala, direction—dig-bala, etc. To be considered strong each planet must attain a certain minimum number of points. The Power Ratio is the result of dividing the actual number of points attained by the minimum amount required to be strong. Thus a Power ratio of 1 is the minimum amount to indicate a strong planet and 1.56 exceeds this by a large amount, more than 50%. ↩
9 Ojha, p.77. ↩
10 In Vedic astrology Navamsa is one of the 16 divisional charts. It is arrived at by dividing each Sign into 9 equal portions and then assigning each portion a value according to specified rules.↩
11 B.V. Raman, 1992, pp. 257-262.↩
12 Ojha, p. 143. ↩
13 Ojha, p. 169. ↩
14 Told to me by Hari-sauri Prabhu, Srila Prabhupada's personal servant. ↩
15 Based on several authors mentioned in references.↩
16 Ojha, pp. 53-54.↩
17 Ojha, pp. 53-54. ↩
18 Llewellyn's Astrological Calendar, 1982, p.58. ↩
19 Raman, 1979, p. 223. ↩
20 Raman, 1980, p. 245. ↩